2nd Aquarian SSPA 2018
Sat, Feb 03
|SUTD Sports Complex
Closing Date: Thursday 18 January 2018 Registration Fee: $30 (one-time) Event Fee: $12/event (for SSPA certification)

Time & Location
Feb 03, 2018, 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
SUTD Sports Complex, 61 Changi South Ave 1, Singapore 486041
About the event
Please note that times clocked at this event will not be recognised by SSA to be used as qualifiying time for SNAG or SNSC. For swimmers attempting to qualify for SNAG or School Nationals are strongly encouraged to attend the Centralised SSPA on 27 & 28 Jan or 24 Feb instead.
2nd Aquarian SSPA 2018
Venue: SUTD Swimming Pool, 61 Changi South Avenue 1 S(486000)
Warm Up: 7:00am (Pool to be cleared 7:45am)
Start Time: 8:00am
Registration Fee: $30 (one-time registration fee)
Event Fee: $12/event (if you wish to have the SSPA certification)
Additional One-time fee of $2 will be imposed if request for registered mail.
Closing Date: Thursday 18 January 2018
Registration Timeline
Entries closing date: Friday 19 January 2018
Verifications of entries: 20 – 26 January 2018
Payment Deadline: Friday 26 January 2018
Start List: Wednesday 31 January 2018
General Information
- Over the top starts will be implemented in this event. It will apply to all events except all 50m and backstroke events.
- The meet shall be conducted under the Rules and By-Laws of FINA as prescribed in the Handbook of FINA. One start rule applies.
- Minimum of 23 entries required to proceed with the SSPA test.
- Minimum of 3 entries per event to proceed with the event. Aquarian reserves the right to cancel the event if the minimum event entries are not met.
- There is no refund if the event is cancelled due to bad weather or swimmer's no show.
- All entries to be done online.
- Participants are to check the accuracy of their information. Aquarian will not be held liable in the event of error in certificate printing or loss of mail after the completion of the event. An administrative charge of $15 will be incurred.
- Participants are to indicate which SSPA certs they require when registering. There will not be any refund if the participant does not meet the time standard of the respective stage & strokes.
- Payment will be advised upon registration. Please quote the invoice number when making payment.
Order of Events
Event No. Event SSPA Level
1 Women 400m Individual Medley NA (For time-trial only)
2 Men 400m Individual Medley NA (For time-trial only)
3 Women 200m Individual Medley Level 3
4 Men 200m Individual Medley Level 3
5 Women 100m Backstroke Level 2
6 Men 100m Backstroke Level 2
7 Women 100m Breaststroke Level 2
8 Men 100m Breaststroke Level 2
9 Women 50m Freestyle Level 1
10 Men 50m Freestyle Level 1
11 Women 50m Butterfly Level 1
12 Men 50m Butterfly Level 1
13 Women 50m Backstroke Level 1
14 Men 50m Backstroke Level 1
15 Women 50m Breaststroke Level 1
16 Men 50m Breaststroke Level 1
17 Women 100m Freestyle Level 2
18 Men 100m Freestyle Level 2
19 Women 100m Butterfly Level 2
20 Men 100m Butterfly Level 2
Whilst reasonable precaution will be taken by the organisers to ensure the participants’ safety, participants take part in the event at their own risk and the organisers will not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or during participation in the event. Participants are strongly encouraged to consult their medical practitioner prior to actual race day.
In the event of harsh weather conditions that could cancel the event, Aquarian reserves the right not to refund entry fees or any other charges submitted by the teams / individuals for the event.
I declare that I am/my child is fit and competent to swim the required strokes and distances. I will not hold the organisers responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or during participation in the event.
One-Time Registration Fee
One-time registration fee. You may participate in any number of events. However, this does not include the SSPA certificates. These must be purchased separately.
SGD 30.00Sale endedSSPA Certificates required
Please select number of events you wish to apply for SSPA certification. You may select the events on the next page.
SGD 12.00Sale endedSelf-Collection/Normal Mail
Please select on the next page if you wish to have self-collection, normal mail or registered mail. Do indicate your mailing address on the next page if you wish the certificates to be mailed.
SGD 0.00Sale endedRegistered Mail (One-Time Fee)
Please select on the next page if you wish to have self-collection, normal mail or registered mail. Do indicate your mailing address on the next page if you wish the certificates to be mailed.
SGD 2.00Sale ended
SGD 0.00